Jul 24, 2012 | Caste, Police Firing/FIR/Charge sheet Violations, Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights
In the past few months, parts of north-western India have witnessed incidents of outright Dalit assertion of their rights related to access to resources and to a life of dignity. This has, in all cases, met with retaliation by the dominant upper or intermediary...
May 23, 2012 | Adivasis, Caste, Encounters, Police Firing/FIR/Charge sheet Violations
Jharkhand is fast becoming a military state. Similar to operation green hunt which was started three years ago in mineral rich forest areas resided by adivasis, brutal operations are being carried out continuously in Jharkhand as well. ‘Operation Anaconda’ was...
Jan 8, 2008 | Caste, Gender Issues, Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights
Two persons are missing for the last 8 days after being taken into police custody. Police claims no knowledge.The court has incarcerated Razia at the Nari Niketan, despite her statement to the court that she is an adult and has married of her free-will. The details of...
Jun 11, 2007 | Caste, Police Firing/FIR/Charge sheet Violations
A 24-member team belonging to the People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), Rajasthan, the People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR), Delhi, Association for Democratic Rights (AFDR), Punjab, and students of various National Law University colleges...