People’s Union for Democratic Rights

A civil liberties and democratic rights organisation based in Delhi, India

Yakub Menon – A Question of Life and Death

PUDR notes with extreme concern the Supreme Court’s decision on the 9th of April 2015, to reject Yakub Memon’s petition seeking review of his death sentence. This decision will only add another chapter to the growing instances of injustice perpetrated by the...

Justice Delayed, and Denied Yet Again: PUDR urges Supreme Court to suo moto intervene in the Shankarbigha and other massacres

People’s Union for Democratic Rights strongly condemns the acquittal of the accused in the Shankarbigha massacre (Jehanabad District) of 1999. On 14 January, 2014, a Trial Court in Jehanabad District of Bihar acquitted all the 24 accused members of Ranvir Sena...