Apr 13, 2016 | Gender Issues
यह रिपोर्ट पीयूडीआर, दिल्ली और पीयूसीआर, हरियाणा द्वारा एक 22 वर्षीय दलित लड़के ऋषिपाल की आत्महत्या पर की गई फैक्ट-फाइंडिंग के बारे में है | ऋषिपाल को एक वयस्क लड़की के अपहरण में सह-आरोपी बताया गया था | अन्य पिछड़ी जाति की इस लड़की एकता ने वास्तव में अपने परिवार के खिलाफ...
Apr 13, 2016 | Gender Issues
The report narrates the findings of the fact-finding team comprising Peoples Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) and Peoples Union for Civil Rights (PUCR), Haryana into the suicide of 22-year old dalit boy, Rishipal. Rishipal was implicated as an accomplice in the...
Dec 15, 2015 | Gender Issues
To, Ms Swati Maliwal, Chairperson, Delhi Commission for Women Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi C-Block, 2nd Floor, Vikas Bhawan I. P. Estate, New Delhi 110002 14th December 2015 Subject: Request for inquiry into allegation of molestation and sexual assault...
Mar 18, 2015 | Communalism, Gender Issues
PUDR expresses outrage at the gang-rape of a 71 year old nun by a gang of “dacoits” inside a convent in Gangnapur village, Nadia district, West Bengal on 14th March 2015. The men reportedly raided and desecrated the convent before taking away 12 lakhs.Clearly, the...
Mar 7, 2015 | Gender Issues, Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights, Working Class
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, which arose to mark struggles of women workers for better working conditions and wages over a century ago, People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) expresses its solidarity with the ongoing strike of women sales...
Feb 7, 2015 | Armed Conflict, Gender Issues, Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights
Once again PUDR wants to highlight the impunity enjoyed by the Armed Forces in the country. On 16th January 2015 the Jammu and Kashmir High Court passed an order in the Kunan Pashpora case which goes on to highlight that in this country, it is not easy to prosecute or...