Mar 12, 2013 | Adivasis, Peasants, Land Rights and Displacement, Undemocratic Laws, Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights
The Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) at its meeting held during February 20-21 gave permission to the public sector SAIL to divert 210.526 ha of forest land in Jhillingburu of Saranda (Jharkhand) for iron ore mining. This was the second such project cleared by the FAC...
Mar 8, 2013 | Peasants, Land Rights and Displacement, Undemocratic Laws, Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights
Democracy within its value frame assumes the right to protest as a vital means towards ensuring the guarantee of those rights and values it stands for. However, today we are witnessing a different ‘culture of democracy’ where the right to protest is increasingly...
Jan 30, 2013 | Adivasis, Encounters, Peasants, Land Rights and Displacement, Undemocratic Laws
It has been over a decade since Jharkhand was carved out of Bihar into a separate state. In this period the state has witnessed a new face of people’s movements against displacement and armed repression by the state. News of the multitude of growing people’s movements...
Jan 15, 2013 | Adivasis, Peasants, Land Rights and Displacement
In light of the growing protests against the mega dams coming up in the Brahmaputra and Barak valleys, CDRO decided to send an all-India fact-finding team to these areas. An eight-member team visited the three states of the northeast, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and...
Nov 15, 2012 | Peasants, Land Rights and Displacement, Undemocratic Laws, Working Class
Chhattisgarh today is the scene where resistance to a ‘development’ model which seeks to enrich the capitalists and corporations is being waged, against land grabs, displacement from forests and privatisation of water resources. Under the garb of ‘Operation Greenhunt’...
Sep 15, 2012 | Adivasis, Armed Conflict, Peasants, Land Rights and Displacement, Police Firing/FIR/Charge sheet Violations, Undemocratic Laws
झारखण्ड के गांवों में सैन्य अभियान और सरकारी सशत्र बलों द्वारा गांव वलून को प्रताड़ित किये जाने की जो ख़बरें बड़े महानगरों तक छन छन तक आती रही हैं उनकी तह में जाने की जरूरत लम्बे समय से महसूस हो रही थी। यह ख़बरें मानवाधिकार संस्थाओं की रिपोर्टों में ही नहीं, स्थानीय...