Jun 11, 1987 | Communalism, Police Firing/FIR/Charge sheet Violations
The end of every riot is the start of preparation for the next one—not only by stocking up knives, lathis and guns— but by silent acceptance of what is fast becoming part of routine life in our cities and towns. People have learnt to live with riots. Yet, all through,...
May 8, 1987 | Communalism, Police Firing/FIR/Charge sheet Violations, Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights
नवंबर १९८४ में हुए दंगों पर आयुक्त मिश्रा कमीशन की रिपोर्ट एक आलोचना Click below for full report nayay-ki-nautangki-1984-riots-mishra...
Nov 30, 1979 | Police Firing/FIR/Charge sheet Violations
On Oct 1979 Haryana Police ran berserk and killed innocent people in Faridabad. and then engaged in concealing and destroying all evidence of their misdeeds. This report is the result of fact finding conducted by PUCL&DR which met victims of firing, talked to...