May 10, 2013 | Undemocratic Laws, Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights, Working Class
The Haryana Government yet again in a brazen and outright cowardly manner has sought to protect the interest of capital and particularly the management of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd by refusing to allow the victimised workers and their families to undertake a peaceful...
Nov 15, 2012 | Peasants, Land Rights and Displacement, Undemocratic Laws, Working Class
Chhattisgarh today is the scene where resistance to a ‘development’ model which seeks to enrich the capitalists and corporations is being waged, against land grabs, displacement from forests and privatisation of water resources. Under the garb of ‘Operation Greenhunt’...
Nov 8, 2012 | Undemocratic Laws, Working Class
PUDR strongly condemns the strong arm tactics of the Haryana police in attempting to disrupt the 48-hour hunger strike that began yesterday, November 7, in front of the DC Office, Gurgaon. In an impressive show of solidarity and joint action, over 150 workers in jail...
Sep 27, 2012 | Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights, Working Class
Based upon its preliminary investigation, PUDR asserts that instead of a thorough investigation into the alleged murder of Awanish Dev, Manager, Maruti Suzuki Ltd’s Manesar plant on 18 July 2012, the Haryana police have been responsible for arbitrary arrests of...
Aug 20, 2012 | Undemocratic Laws, Working Class
PUDR is deeply concerned at the new turn in the saga of Maruti-Suzuki workers struggle against the management and owners of the company. The company has announced that it will set up a special force of security personnel comprising 100 ex-servicemen inside its...
May 22, 2012 | Working Class
बादाम उद्योग के मजदूरों के हालात को केन्द्रित करते हुए यह रिपोर्ट अनोपचारिक छेत्र के रोजगार के अत्यंत शोषक और जोखिमपूर्ण चरित्र को उजागर करती है; वह छेत्र जो आज देश की कुल कार्यशक्ति का लगभग ९४ प्रतिशत हिस्सा है. To download the report, click below: कड़वे बादाम:...