Aug 16, 2021 | Working Class
The growth of the ‘gig’ economy and ‘gig workers’ in India is a phenomenon of the last decade or so. Names like Swiggy, Zomato, Ola, Uber or Urban Company and Amazon are among the many companies that have come in to provide ‘services’ and ‘employment’ in the form of...
Aug 16, 2021 | Working Class
The 75th Independence Day of India is practically the first for workers in the country without the official protection of crucial labour laws, like the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the Factories Act, 1948 among others. Some of these laws are as old as the country’s...
Aug 16, 2021 | Working Class
The 75th Independence Day of India is practically the first for workers in the country without the official protection of crucial labour laws, like the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the Factories Act, 1948 among others. Some of these laws are as old as the country’s...
Aug 16, 2021 | Working Class
आज़ादी की 75वीं वर्षगाँठ र्ष पर देश के मज़दरूों के लिए आज़ादी के बाद लगभग पहली बार कई ज़रूरी श्रम क़ाननू जैसे, इंडस्ट्रीयल डिस्पयूट्स अधिनियम (1947), फ़ैक्ट्रीज़ अधिनियम (1948), आदि का सुरक्षा कवच उपलब्ध नहीं होगा। इनमें से कुछ क़ाननू तो भारत की आज़ादी के साथ लाए गए...
May 7, 2021 | Undemocratic Laws, Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights, Working Class
On 4 May 2021, the Central Government’s Ministry of Labour and Employment notified certain Draft Rules under the Industrial Relations Code, 2020, one of the 4 Labour Codes passed by Parliament in 2019-20. The Industrial Relations Code 2020 (henceforth ‘IR Code’)...
Feb 27, 2021 | Violation of Civil and Democratic Rights, Working Class
PUDR strongly condemns the custodial torture of young dalit labour activist Shiv Kumar working in the Kundli Industrial Area by Haryana police. Shiv Kumar was arrested under 3 FIRs (no. 649 of 28/12/20 and nos. 25 and 26 of 12/1/21, Kundli PS) against workers who were...