The civil rights movement in India has emerged as an autonomous voice in defense of civil liberties and democratic rights of our people. The Peoples Union for Democratic Rights, Delhi, is one such organisation. It came into existence in 1977 as the Delhi unit of a larger national forum, PUCLDR, and became PUDR on 1 February, 1981.

Latest Press Statements
पीयूडीआर रिपोर्ट – “द ऐंटी लेबर कोड्ज़”
आज़ादी की 75वीं वर्षगाँठ र्ष पर देश के मज़दरूों के लिए आज़ादी के बाद लगभग पहली बार कई ज़रूरी श्रम क़ाननू जैसे, इंडस्ट्रीयल डिस्पयूट्स अधिनियम (1947), फ़ैक्ट्रीज़ अधिनियम (1948), आदि का सुरक्षा कवच उपलब्ध नहीं होगा। इनमें से कुछ क़ाननू तो भारत की आज़ादी के साथ लाए गए...
Framed to Die: The Case of Stan Swamy
PUDR’s report, Framed to Die: The Case of Stan Swamy, offers an exhaustive account of what lay behind Stan Swamy’s death in judicial custody in a private hospital on 5 July 2021. As is known, he was arrested from his room in Bagaicha ATC campus on 8 October 2020 under...
Condemn CRPF firing on protestors in Silanger village in Sukma district
People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) condemns the turn of events at Silanger village in Sukma district of Chhattisgarh over the past two weeks. On 12 May, a CRPF camp was set up at the Silanger village despite protests by the residents of nearby villages. On 17...
Immediately withdraw draft rules under the Industrial Relations Code
On 4 May 2021, the Central Government’s Ministry of Labour and Employment notified certain Draft Rules under the Industrial Relations Code, 2020, one of the 4 Labour Codes passed by Parliament in 2019-20. The Industrial Relations Code 2020 (henceforth ‘IR Code’)...
PUDR condemns the undemocratic ban of 16 civil liberties, students, women’s, writers and cultural organizations as “unlawful associations” by the Telangana government under the Public Security Act (PSA). These include the Telangana Praja Front (TPF), Telangana...
Latest Publications
राजनैतिक मुकदमे का घातक नतीजा – यू.ए.पी.ए. और गढ़चिरोली सत्र न्यायालय का फैसला
गढ़चिरोली सत्र न्यायालय में चले मुकदमे का फैसला, जिसमें पाँच लोगों, जी.एन.साईबाबा, महेश तिरकी, पांडू नरोटे, प्रशांत राही और हेम मिश्रा को आजीवन कारावास और विजय तिरकी को 10 साल की कैद की सज़ा सुनाई गई है, एक विचारधारा और नृशंस यू.ए.पी.ए. कानून द्वारा प्रतिबंधित संगठन के...
Political Trial Results in Pernicious Verdict: UAPA and the Gadchiroli Sessions Court judgment
The trial and conviction of six persons by the Court of Sessions Judge, Gadchiroli, sentencing GN Saibaba, Maheshi Tirki, Pandu Narote, Prashant Rahi and Hem Mishra, to life imprisonment and Vijay Tirki to ten years, is an unconcealed example of a political trial of...
CDRO Campaign for the Release of Political Prisoners
One of the foundational demands of the Civil Liberties and Democratic Rights organisations in India was the demand for release of all Political Prisoners. In contemporary India the demand has acquired a new salience as members/supporters of proscribed/banned...
Incident: Services of over seven hundred workers were suddenly terminated suddenly on February 1, 2017 from the mother plant of Omax located at Dharuhera (Omax Autos Ltd. 69 K.M. Stone, Delhi- Jaipur Highway, Dharuhera, Rewari). Of these 400 were contractual employees...
ज़िंदंगी मुहाल है! ग्रेटर नोऐडा स्थित एल.जी. इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स कंपनी में काम के हालात और यूनियन बनाने की कोशिश
एल.जी. इलैक्ट्रौनिक्स इंडिया लिमिटेड की उद्योग विहार ग्रेटर नोएडा स्थित फैक्टरी पर 11 जुलाई से 20 जुलाई 2016 तक करीब 650 मज़दूरों ने कब्ज़ा किया था। एल.जी. के मज़दूरों के परिवारों के सदस्यों और आसपास की फैक्टरियों के मज़दूर भी फैक्टरी के गेट पर मज़दूरों के समर्थन में...
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