The civil rights movement in India has emerged as an autonomous voice in defense of civil liberties and democratic rights of our people. The Peoples Union for Democratic Rights, Delhi, is one such organisation. It came into existence in 1977 as the Delhi unit of a larger national forum, PUCLDR, and became PUDR on 1 February, 1981.
Latest Publications
The Murder of Yakub Abdul Hassan Shaikh: A Conspiracy of Silence Between Toyota Shinrai Management and the Police Department
The gruesome daylight murder of a 56-year-old man in a Toyota showroom in the heart of Mumbai ought to have made front-page news. Further, that Yakub Abdul Hassan Shaikh, a father of 3, was murdered by his co-workers, a day after the Dadri lynching, on 29th September...
धागों में उलझी ज़िंदगियाँ: उधोग विहार, गुड़गाँव के कपडा उद्योग के मज़दूरों के बीच हादसों और असंतोष की दास्तान
उद्योग विहार की कपड़ा फक्ट्रियों में हादसों की सूची बढ़ती जा रही है | 20 जून 2015 को ओरियेंट क्राफ्ट नामक फैक्ट्री के 'फिनिशिंग' विभाग में काम करने वाले एक मज़दूर पवन कुमार को लिफ्ट का प्रयोग करते समय बिजली के झटके लगे थे और वह घायल हो गया था | खबर सुनते ही कई मज़दूर...
Justice Kait Tribunal on SIMI: A Critical Update
On July 30, 2014, Justice Kait headed SIMI Tribunal upheld the ban after examining 21 cases, 18 of which were “fresh cases” and examining 30 state officials in “support of the ban” and concluded that: “the evidence brought on record clearly and unambiguously...
गौमांस पर प्रतिबंध और मौलिक अधिकारों का हनन – कुछ आयाम
भारतीय जनता पार्टी सरकार ने अपने 2014 के चुनाव पत्र में गौमांस पर प्रतिबंध और गौसंरक्षण को एक बड़ा मुद्दा बनाया था। इसी को अमल में लाते हुए, मार्च 2015 से महाराष्ट्र व हरियाणा में गौहत्या प्रतिबंधी कानूनों को पारित करने और उनमें संशोधन लाने का सिलसिला शुरू हुआ। तब से...
Banned and Damned: SIMI’s Saga with UAPA Tribunals
PEOPLES UNION FOR DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS has long held that freedoms conferred by the Constitution as well as those that flow from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), are intrinsic to our pursuit of democratic rights. These ‘freedoms’ are not...
Latest Press Statements
PUDR expresses anguish at the impending hangings of Pawan, Mukesh, Akshay and Vinay who were convicted for the brutal gang rape and murder committed on 16 December 2012 in Delhi. Their crime was heinous, and PUDR condemns it in no uncertain terms. However, it needs to...
फाँसी की सज़ा का विरोध करो!
१६ दिसम्बर २०१२ को दिल्ली में हुए गैंग रेप और हत्या कांड के चार दोषियों को २० मार्च २०२० की सुबह ५-३० बजे होने वाली फाँसी की सज़ा पर पीयूडीआर चिंता व्यक्त करता है । ये विदित है की उनके द्वारा किया गया अपराध जघन्य था और उसकी जितनी निंदा की जाए उतनी कम है । लेकिन, इस...
Condemn the use of PSA in Kashmir
People’s Union for Democratic Rights strongly condemns the continuous use of the draconian J&K Public Safety Act, PSA, against the leaders and people of Kashmir. In the last six months, since the lock down, as many as eight mainstream political leaders have been...
Oppose Death Penalty
People’s Union for Democratic Rights strongly opposes the impending death penalty for gang rape and murder that the four convicts in the Nirbhaya case, Akshay, Mukesh, Pawan and Vinay are awaiting. It is widely known and well established that death penalty is not a...
Oppose the politics of banning organizations and targeting of rights organizations
People’s Union for Democratic Rights condemns the attempts being made by the Uttar Pradesh government towards securing a national level ban on the Popular Front of India (PFI) and also trying to contemptuously target rights-based organization Rihai Manch through...