The civil rights movement in India has emerged as an autonomous voice in defense of civil liberties and democratic rights of our people. The Peoples Union for Democratic Rights, Delhi, is one such organisation. It came into existence in 1977 as the Delhi unit of a larger national forum, PUCLDR, and became PUDR on 1 February, 1981.

Latest Press Statements
Fact- finding visit to Niyamgir – Lanjigada area by CDRO and GASS
A 16-member fact-finding team of All India Coordination of Democratic Rights Organisation (CDRO) and Ganatantrik Adhikar Suraksha Sangathan, Odisha (GASS) had been to Niyamgiri area and Vedanta Plant site, Lanjigada and spent three days from 26th to 28th April, 2019...
Condemn Killing of Legislator and Four Others in Dantewada: Demand violence free elections
People’s Union of Democratic Rights (PUDR) strongly condemns the Maoist attack in Dantewada in which BJP legislator Bhima Mandavi, three security personnel travelling with him and the driver of the vehicle have been killed. Carried out yesterday, two days before polls...
Lawful Government, Unlawful Acts: Revoke the Ban on JKLF!
The attack on the CRPF convoy in Pulwama in mid-February and the escalating tensions between India & Pakistan following Balakot air strikes, have provided ample occasion for the Indian state to use draconian laws to further suppress the democratic aspirations and...
‘कंटिन्युइंग इंप्यूनिटी: डेथ्स इन पुलिस कस्टडी, दिल्ली 2016-2018’– दिल्ली में हुई 2016 से 2018 के बीच पुलिस हिरासत में मौतों पर एक जांच रिपोर्ट के प्रकाशन पर
पीपल्स यूनियन फॉर डेमोक्रेटिक राइट्स (पी.यू.डी.आर) 1980 के दशक से ही दिल्ली की पुलिस हिरासत में होने वाली मौतों पर तथ्यान्वेषण को रिपोर्ट के जरिये से सामने लाता रहा है | इन पड़तालों में पी.यू.डी.आर ने अक्सर यह पाया कि पुलिस हिरासत में दी जाने वाली यातानाएँ गैर-इरादतन...
Publication and release of PUDR’s report ‘Continuing Impunity: Deaths in Police Custody, Delhi 2016-2018’
Peoples Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) has been investigating incidents of deaths in police custody and publishing reports on these from the 1980s. These investigations revealed that these deaths were most commonly the unintentional consequences of custodial...
Latest Publications
Dams, Development and the North East: A Report on the Peoples’ Resistance to Mega Dams in the Brahmaputra and Barak Valley
In light of the growing protests against the mega dams coming up in the Brahmaputra and Barak valleys, CDRO decided to send an all-India fact-finding team to these areas. An eight-member team visited the three states of the northeast, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and...
यह गाँव मेरा भी है: भगाना में दलित दावेदारी , भूमि अधिकार एयर सामाजित बहिष्कार
२३ मई २०१२ को हरियाणा के हिसार जिले में भगाना गांव के ७० दलित परिवारों ने, मवेशियों समेत अपना गांव छोड़कर, हिसार शहर में स्थित मिनी सचिवालय के बहार अपना डेरा जमा लिया। समाचारों के मुताबिक वे अपने गांव के जाटों द्वारा किये जा रहे उत्पीड़न और जमीन पर कब्जे का विरोध कर रहे...
Working Against Odds: Condition of Workers in the Cement Industry in Chhattisgarh
Chhattisgarh today is the scene where resistance to a ‘development’ model which seeks to enrich the capitalists and corporations is being waged, against land grabs, displacement from forests and privatisation of water resources. Under the garb of ‘Operation Greenhunt’...
This Village is Mine too: Dalit Assertion, Land Rights and Social Boycott in Bhagana
On 23rd May reportedly 70 Dalit families from village Bhagana, Hisar District, Haryana left their village together with their cattle and settled themselves outside the Mini-Secretariat in Hisar town in Haryana. They were protesting against mounting oppression and the...
आतंक के साये में आम झारखंडी : झारखण्ड के सुदूर गांवों में जनसघर्ष और सैन्य दमन
झारखण्ड के गांवों में सैन्य अभियान और सरकारी सशत्र बलों द्वारा गांव वलून को प्रताड़ित किये जाने की जो ख़बरें बड़े महानगरों तक छन छन तक आती रही हैं उनकी तह में जाने की जरूरत लम्बे समय से महसूस हो रही थी। यह ख़बरें मानवाधिकार संस्थाओं की रिपोर्टों में ही नहीं, स्थानीय...
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