The civil rights movement in India has emerged as an autonomous voice in defense of civil liberties and democratic rights of our people. The Peoples Union for Democratic Rights, Delhi, is one such organisation. It came into existence in 1977 as the Delhi unit of a larger national forum, PUCLDR, and became PUDR on 1 February, 1981.

Latest Press Statements
22 अप्रैल, 2018 में गढचिरौली में हुई माओवादियों की हत्या मुठभेड़ नहीं थी।
22 और 23 अप्रैल को सी.आर.पी.एफ. और गढ़चिरोली पुलिस के विशेष दस्ते सी-60 द्वारा की गई 37 माओवादियों की हत्या की घटना सरकार के ‘‘मुठभेड़’’ के तरीकों पर कई सवाल खड़े करती है। 22 अप्रैल की सुबह 64 पुलिसकर्मी और अर्द्धसैनिकों ने पूर्वी महाराष्ट्र के भमरागढ़़ इलाके में स्थित...
Hindi Press Release on the release of the Cow Vigilantism report
पी.यू.डी.आर. अपनी रिपोर्ट ‘काओ विजिलांतिज़म : क्राइम, कम्युनिटी एंड लाइवलीहुड, जनवरी 2016 से मार्च 2018’ जारी कर रहा है। इस रिपोर्ट में जनवरी 2016 से मार्च 2018 के बीच घटित गौ रक्षा के नाम पर गुंडागर्दी की घटनाओं का विश्लेषण है। इन गौ-गुंडागर्दी या विजिलांते गतिविधियों...
Condemn the brutality in Panjab University and organized attack on institutions of higher education
Protest by students of Panjab University (PU) against unprecedented fee hike witnessed brutal lathicharge and usage of tear gas as crowd dispersal method leaving 4 students critically injured. Photojournalists covering the protests were attacked by police as well and...
PUDR deplores responses of 12 states to upheld death penalty
In August 2015 the Law Commission had recommended abolition of death penalty except in terror related cases. Recently 14 states have responded to these recommendations. Barring the exception of Karnataka and Tripura, other 12 states have rejected the recommendations....
मज़दूरों को कठोर सजा देने वाले मारूति केस के अन्यायी अदालती फैसले की पहली बरसी पर पी.यू.डी.आर. की रिपोर्ट
18 मार्च 2017 को हरियाणा में गुरुग्राम सेशंस कोर्ट ने मारूति कंपनी के 31 बर्खास्त कामगारों को सज़ा सुनाई, जिनमें से 13 मजदूरों को उम्र कैद की सज़ा सुनाई गई। इन सभी को अदालत ने हफ्ते भर पहले 10 मार्च 2017 को दोषी करार दिया था। अतिरिक्त सेशंस जज आर.पी. गोयल ने 117...
Latest Publications
24th Annual Dr. Ramanadham Memorial Lecture 2009: Position Papers on Encounters
From Kashmir to Andhra Pradesh through Delhi & Punjab and most recently Manipur, the encounter has become an administrative practice of the Indian state, particularly its police, para-military, military and other security forces. The civil liberties and democratic...
मुठभेड़ (Encounters)
पी यु डी आर एवम ए पी सी एल सी द्वारा आयोजीत चौबीसवें रामनाथन मेमोरियल मीटिंग के दौरान वितरत पोसिशन पेपर To download the report, click below: मुठभेड़ (Encounters) For the English version of the report, click below: Encounters...
In the Name of National Pride: Blatant Violation of Workers’ Rights at the Commonwealth Games Site
In 1982, the Asian Games were held in India in Delhi. At that time, PUDR had conducted a survey of Asiad’s construction sites and found gross violations of several labour laws. On the basis of these findings, a letter was written to Justice P.N. Bhagwati, the then...
Punish the Guilty of the 1984 Anti-Sikh Carnage
Today, 25 years later, most of these murders remain unprosecuted. In the over 300 FIRs filed on murder charges, barely 10 persons have been convicted. This outcome is only to be expected, given that the ruling Congress party prevented FIRs from being filed, and...
Terror of Counter-terror: Jamia Nagar to Azamgarh: The ‘Encounter’ and its Aftermath
This is the report of a fact-finding investigation conducted by PUDR and Jan Hastakshep into the police ‘encounter’ in Jamia Nagar, Delhi and subsequent events in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh from 19th September 2008. It draws light upon the inherent communal bias with...
Latest Prison projects
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