The civil rights movement in India has emerged as an autonomous voice in defense of civil liberties and democratic rights of our people. The Peoples Union for Democratic Rights, Delhi, is one such organisation. It came into existence in 1977 as the Delhi unit of a larger national forum, PUCLDR, and became PUDR on 1 February, 1981.

Latest Press Statements
Do Not Forget The Anti- Sikh Pogrom of 1984!
31 October 2017 - thirty three years have passed since the anti-Sikh pogrom carried out in Delhi between 31st October and 4th November 1984, following the assassination of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by her Sikh body guards. The official figure of those...
‘Love-Jihad’, NIA, and Democratic Rights
As the Hadiya-Shefin matter comes up for hearing today, PUDR urges the Apex court to take note of the serious violation of democratic rights of the parties involved in this so-called case of ‘Love-Jihad’. PUDR believes that the case is being used in order to provide...
PUDR condemns Draconian Ordinance by Rajasthan Government!
PUDR condemns the Criminal Laws (Rajasthan Amendment) Ordinance promulgated by the Rajasthan government on 7 September 2017, preventing magistrates from taking cognizance of complaints against serving and former Judges, Magistrates, and public servants without...
Do not curb our right to protest
Right to protest has been coming under attack under one or other pretext. Earlier public order was the way in which our right to protest was curtailed by imposing IPC Section 144 on large parts of the Delhi city to prevent gathering of more than five persons. People...
Life under threat in Jail: Increasing incidents of attacks on prisoners in Tihar
People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) expresses grave concern at the increasing incidents of violent attacks and gang wars in jail which severely threaten the life and security of the inmates. The Tihar jail authorities have faltered in fulfilling their...
Latest Publications
An Unfair Verdict: A Critique of the Red Fort Judgment
ON FRIDAY, 22 DECEMBER 2000, at about 9 p.m., a firing incident took place inside the Red Fort at Delhi which housed, since 1857 and until recently, an Army garrison. Three Army personnel of the 7th Battalion of the Rajputana Rifles, died in the attack. While those...
When the State Makes War on its own People: Violation of peoples rights during the Salwa Judum
Since June 2005, Dantewada District (formerly part of Bastar district), Chhattisgarh, has been in the news for an alleged uprising of adivasis against the Communist Party of India (Maoist), known as Salwa Judum. A fourteen-member team from five organizations (PUCL,...
बंद दरवाजों के पीछे: विशवास नगर की वस्त्र उद्योग फैक्ट्री में आग लगने से मौतें
इस रिपोर्ट में विशवास नगर स्थित महिलाओं के अंदरूनी वस्त्र बनाने वाली एक जानी-मानी कम्पनी, ग्रोवर संस अपारेल्स की एक उत्पादन इकाई की तीसरी मंजिल में आग लग जाने से १२ मजदूरों की मौतों की दर्दनाक व् शोषित तस्वीर उजागर की गई है| रिपोर्ट दिखाती है कि किस प्रकार फैक्ट्री...
Trapped to Death: Deaths from fire at a Garment Factory in Vishwas Nagar
On the morning of 7 December, a fire, resulting in the death of twelve workers, broke out on the second floor of Groversons Apparels Pvt. Ltd., a garment-manufacturing unit in Vishwas Nagar, East Delhi. PUDR conducted an investigation into the incident. To download...
Suicide in a lock-up? Custody Death at Adarsh Nagar PS
On 13th September 2005, on the ever busy Azadpur Mandi main road, a public protest by basti dwellers of Bharola village in the middle of the day caught the attention of the media. As trucks, buses and tempos were unable to ply on the main GT road for over two hours,...
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