People’s Union for Democratic Rights

A civil liberties and democratic rights organisation based in Delhi, India

The civil rights movement in India has emerged as an autonomous voice in defense of civil liberties and democratic rights of our people. The Peoples Union for Democratic Rights, Delhi, is one such organisation. It came into existence in 1977 as the Delhi unit of a larger national forum, PUCLDR, and became PUDR on 1 February, 1981.

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Latest Press Statements


People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) finds the activities of the Hinduva group, in particular that of Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad, repugnant and considers them a major threat to social peace and harmony. However we do not support the demand being made...

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PUDR strongly condemns the explosion in Mehrauli

PUDR strongly condemns the explosion in Mehrauli today that led to more loss of life, and increasing fear in the city. We unequivocally condemn the political beliefs behind such acts, which espouse random killing. We believe that the culprits behind these acts should...

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